Setting the Gold Standard in American Shetlands...
Circle H Jesters Painted Gold

1989 - 2019
AMHA & AMHR Registered
World Champion Halter Mare
World Champion Showmanship Horse
World Champion Sweetheart

Bond Master Jester x AWH Foxey Lady
(Bond Jimbo x Bond Encore)
Painted Gold was a wonderful show mare, with many titles to her credit. She was a wonderful broodmare, producing show-ring champions. But her last role as world-class babysitter is what she will always be remembered for here. When my daughter was very small, she and PG, as we call her, struck up a wonderful friendship. Aspen toted PG everywhere. And, PG was always willing to follow. Aspen would play, brush, and love on PG for hours at a time. I'm honestly surprised PG never ended up in the house. One day, I saw my little child hauling a little step stool over to PG and jumping on for a ride. PG had never had anyone on her back before, but she went willingly along with anything Aspen wanted. It wasn't long before I would see them galloping up and down the hallway of the barn. I always trusted PG with Aspen and when I say she has earned her retirement....believe me, she has earned it! She turned 30 years old this year and looks like a teenager. We treasure this little mare!
We miss you sweet girl.....rest easy
Owned By
Aspen Noble
Star Struck American Shetlands