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Rhapsody's Minuet In C



2005 Sorrel Mare


AMHA. AMHR, & ASPC Registered

Hall Of Fame Producer

AMHR & ASPC Futurity Nominated Dam



Rudolph's Golden Comanche (HOF)   x   Wauk-A-Way I've Got Rhythm

(Bar G's Rock E  x  Martin's Peaches And Cream)                                      (J-J's Painted Apache (HOF)  x  Rhapsody's Rhythm & Jazz (HOF))            

Everyone that see Minnie falls in love with her immediately.  She is one of the most refined mares we have ever seen.  Her head is the so spectacular, you just can't stop looking at her.  Even one of our smallest show halters was still too big for her.  She is a doll to go along with her looks.  She always talks to us and we just love her!  Minnie is by the wonderful Superior Sire, National Champion Sire, and Congress Champion Sire, Rudolph's Golden Comanche (Bar G's Rock E x Martin's Peaches And Cream).  She is out of Wauk-A-Way I've Got Rhythm (J-J's Painted Apache (HOF) x Rhapsody's Rhythm & Jazz (HOF)),  Minnie is a full sister to multiple National Champion, Rhapsody's Latin Tango.  We are so excited to breed this mare to Modern Gold's Candyman for 2020.  Minnie will be an ANHR & ASPC Futurity Nominated Dam.

Co-Owned By

Modern Miniature Shetlands


Star Struck American Shetlands



Rhapsody's Minuet In C

Produced By

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Star Struck

American Shetlands

Star Struck American Shetlands

Rick, Bobbi Kay & Aspen Noble
Longview, TX

Modern Miniature Shetlands

Kay Pate
Longview, TX

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