Setting the Gold Standard in American Shetlands...
Comfert's Best Dressed Bella

2008 Bay Mare
ASPC Registered
ASPC Futurity Nominated Dam

B&L's Rock E Best Dressed Man (HOF) x Grahams Painted Passion
(Bar G's Rock E x Royal Roan Pansy) (Red Rock Kid Lee x Sky Chiefs Apache Girl)
Belle, as we call her, is one of the most beautiful headed mares you will ever see. She is a rich blood bay and is a sweetheart 24/7. I had not intended on purchasing this mare, but when I saw her, I couldn't get her in the trailer fast enough! I feel like I won the lottery with this mare. She had a phenomenal filly for me which was exported and just foaled a full sibling, Star Struck Gold's Bellafina. Belle is by the Hall Of Fame Stallion, B&L'sRock E Best Dressed Man (HOF) (Bar G's Rock E x Royal Roan Pansy), and is out of one of Jill Comfert's grand mares, Grahams Painted Passion (Red Rock Kid Lee x Sky Chiefs Apache Girl). She is bred back to B&L's Diamond's Golden Image for a 2020 foal. Belle is an ASPC Futurity nominated dam.
Congratulations to Jill Comfert
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